Episode 47
Published on April 15, 2019
Something old, something new Dungeons and Dragons version
Listen to Plundergrounds on Anchor: https://anchor.fm/plundergrounds
Old - castle oldskull generators
New - courts of shadow Fey
Borrowed - encumbrance rules
Blue - The-Ultraviolet-Grasslands--Free-Introduction
Thanks for listening! As always you can find me on Patreon, Blogger, Anchor, and the various socials; Facebook, Twitter, Audio Dungeon Discord and I have a room at Tenkar's Tavern Discord. Hope to see you there!
Review on Itunes.
Follow along with my campaign:
Midgard map
Midgard Setting Books
World Anvil
House Rules
Apr 15, 2019
Apr 10, 2019
More on hexcrawling (part 2)
Part one here.
I got to use my traces/tracks/spoor/monster/lair table for encounters this week and found out it doesnt work for hex crawling. If you recall, I was rolling every four hours and cleared the encounter track every night. That means I need six (remember there are 2 traces) out of six dice to come up as successes. Why didn't I figure this out? Why didn't you tell me! Well, that's what playtesting is for, my players got off easy!
Ok, we have two options here, decrease the DC or shorten the encounter track. Either should work, but which is better? I want an encounter once every few days, let's say twenty five percent chance per day. If I were rolling one d20 I would set a DC 15, as each increment of a d20 is one twentieth of one hundred, or five percent. Looking at anydice 6d20 output, 72+ is about 25% so I'm guessing a DC of 12 without any fancy probability math. Is there a website that will do that for me? To google!
I got to use my traces/tracks/spoor/monster/lair table for encounters this week and found out it doesnt work for hex crawling. If you recall, I was rolling every four hours and cleared the encounter track every night. That means I need six (remember there are 2 traces) out of six dice to come up as successes. Why didn't I figure this out? Why didn't you tell me! Well, that's what playtesting is for, my players got off easy!
Ok, we have two options here, decrease the DC or shorten the encounter track. Either should work, but which is better? I want an encounter once every few days, let's say twenty five percent chance per day. If I were rolling one d20 I would set a DC 15, as each increment of a d20 is one twentieth of one hundred, or five percent. Looking at anydice 6d20 output, 72+ is about 25% so I'm guessing a DC of 12 without any fancy probability math. Is there a website that will do that for me? To google!
Lowering the DC means I still need 6 successes. Or I could use a range. Probably based off of the encounter DC. DC 19 encounter, 17-18 is track, 15-16 is spoor, natural 20 is lair.
So looking over this today, I came up with a solution I like and will try. Nat 20 is a lair, encounter DC-1 is spoor, -2 is tracks, -3 and -4 are traces. Now to make encounter tables!
I removed the graph side and pelaced it with a rocketbook page (not shown). Here is the revised tracker in google drive.
I removed the graph side and pelaced it with a rocketbook page (not shown). Here is the revised tracker in google drive.
Apr 8, 2019
Apr 3, 2019
Cockatrice Nuggets #45 show notes
Episode 45
Published on April 3, 2019
Recap of my Midgard Dungeons and
Dragons campaign and reviewing the prep from my last episode.
Morgau noble,
whatever that means, lol I'm a GM who has no idea what the players have used
out of my book! I've never even read Midgard Adventures!
Shadow Tor in Castle
Thanks for
listening! As always you can find me on Patreon, Blogger, Anchor, and the various socials; Facebook, Twitter, Audio Dungeon Discord and I have a room
at Tenkar's Tavern Discord. Hope to
see you there!
Review on Itunes.
Follow along:
Cockatrice Nuggets #44 show notes
Episode 44
March 23, 2019
prep for my kobold press midgard dungeons and dragons game.
Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
Castle Sites 2e
Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Control panel article (shared by Ray Otus)
Audio dungeon discord
Tome of adventure design
Thanks for listening! As always you can find me on Patreon, Blogger, Anchor, and the various socials; Facebook, Twitter, Audio Dungeon Discord and I have a room at Tenkar's Tavern Discord. Hope to see you there!
Review on Itunes.
Follow along with the game:
Midgard map
Midgard Setting Books
World Anvil
House Rules
Mar 11, 2019
Cockatrice Nuggets #43 show notes
Just a recap of last session, thought I'd get it out before too long.
Return of the lazy dungeon master
8 steps
Thanks for listening!
Follow along:
Midgard map
Midgard Setting Books
Leave me a voice message on anchor.fm, visit me at slackernerds.com and patreon.com/jerry247, or email me at cockatricenuggets@slackernerds.com
Feb 16, 2019
Cockatrice Nuggets #42
Sorry about the sound on this one, my car window broke and you can hear the garbage bag flattering in the background.
The one where I talk failed encounters and dungeons and dragon midgard recap.
The one where I talk failed encounters and dungeons and dragon midgard recap.
where did you all come from?
encounter table fail
hex crawl encounters on slackernerds
xnathar's guide to everything
kobold press makers of midgard, Tome of Beasts and Creature Codex
Recap of last session
obsidion portal
world anvil
what I'm listening to
random screed
Hobbs n friends
gothridge manor
follow me and die
frank t
tavern chat
radio grognard
red dice diaries
where did you all come from?
encounter table fail
hex crawl encounters on slackernerds
xnathar's guide to everything
kobold press makers of midgard, Tome of Beasts and Creature Codex
Recap of last session
obsidion portal
world anvil
what I'm listening to
random screed
Hobbs n friends
gothridge manor
follow me and die
frank t
tavern chat
radio grognard
red dice diaries
Thanks for listening!
Feb 8, 2019
Cockatrice Nuggets #41 - Show Notes
Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica
The Thing
The Fallen - it was Denzel!
zak s Investigation-As-Dungeon
Gumshoe rules DrivethruRPG
Sly Flourish secrets Return of the Lazy DM
Lost Boys
5RD article
5RD excel sheet
Ghost Ward Armor Crystal
Ray Otis - Plundergrounds
Larry Hamilton - Follow Me, and Die
Audio Dungeon Discord
Thanks for listening!
Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica
The Thing
The Fallen - it was Denzel!
zak s Investigation-As-Dungeon
Gumshoe rules DrivethruRPG
Sly Flourish secrets Return of the Lazy DM
Lost Boys
5RD article
5RD excel sheet
Ghost Ward Armor Crystal
Ray Otis - Plundergrounds
Larry Hamilton - Follow Me, and Die
Audio Dungeon Discord
Thanks for listening!
Feb 6, 2019
Five Room Dungeon Tables
I need to make up some Five Room Dungeons, so I wrote some
tables for inspiration. Five room dungeons are an idea from John Four that makes a
dungeon from five small challenges. The rooms can be large or small and
arranged in many formations.
The rooms are:
Entrance or Guardian
Puzzle or Roleplaying Challenge
Trick or Setback
Climax, Big Battle, or Conflict
Reward, Revelation, or Plot Twist.
The first thing I wanted was a theme table to tie the rooms
together. I decided on eight different themes or places the dungeon could be.
Next I started to work on the rooms. I made some separate table
and started brainstorming ideas fitting them into each list. After a few items,
I started to come up with things that could fit in multiple lists, sometimes
all of them! I decided to take another approach, to break each room up into
what generic things could be in them. I came up with something to negotiate
with (person), something to find (place), and something to overcome (thing). I
was looking for nouns! Now I made lists of people, places, and things. As I
looked over these I saw that some of them fit more naturally into the room
designs. People fit more naturally into rooms one and four, places in one or
three. I decided to weight each room with a negative, zero, or positive; from
there picking a randomizer that fit my odds (thanks anydice).
I started tweaking my lists of nouns and realized I needed
to weight one of the tables to make some places (planar) more rare. Instead of
testing this out with dice, I wanted to run some really quick rolls and see
instant results. I wrote an excel sheet to help me quickly randomize, copy, and
paste. I forgot about the weighting I had done for the places, and you’ll see
that in my original results. Without further ado, here are my six Five Room
1) Treasure Vault
Entrance or Guardian: Upon opening this hidden away area,
you notice that it is or was recently inhabited. A tattered rug covers the
floor, a table and 2 chairs sit off to the side, a small collection of books on
a shelf of a bookcase, a comfy chair for reading and a long hallway stretches
off in the distance. The rug hides a pressure plate that starts a slow rumbling
in the hallway. If the players move it they can beat the crumbling hall. If the
players wait, they realize that they will be cut off from the rest of the
dungeon if they don’t move. Dexterity saving throw will get them past the falling
rocks with no damage, half for failure. After the hall crumbles, it will take
250 man hours to unearth the whole 250 feet.
Puzzle or Roleplaying Challenge: There is a woman, Sarin,
caught in a circle of magical energy. She tells the party if the salt circle is
broken, she can go free. She is a high level thief looking to loot the vault.
She will betray the party if necessary.
Trick or Setback: This is a large room, it has small mouse
sized holes that lead into hidden areas in the walls and ceiling. There is a hag,
Hilda, hiding here who entered a pact to guard the vault for 101 years. If the
vault is breached she will be trapped here forever. The hag uses the holes to
enter the walls and cast from cover.
Climax, Big Battle, or Conflict: The vault is locked by a
large circle divided in to four quadrants. They are colored yellow, blue, brown,
and white. To open the lock a spell from each element (fire, water, earth, and
air) must be cast in secession. The order does not matter, as long as they are
cast one after another.
Reward, Revelation, Plot Twist: Aside from gold in the
vault, there is also a Ring of Three Whooshes. It can cast longstrider three
times per day.
2) Giant Burial
Entrance or Guardian: An unnatural pond, on a mountain top
far from much of anything. If you submerge yourself in the pond you will emerge
in a dark, carved stone entry room with a similar pool.
Puzzle or Roleplaying Challenge: Three stone giant ghosts
guard this area. They will warn the characters (in giant) not to disturb the
contents of the tombs.
Trick or Setback: A stone Giant lairs here, melded into the
stone and watching over the tombs. He has been shunned by his people for
something he did long ago.
Climax, Big Battle, or Conflict: A fey lurks here in the
shadows, seeking revenge on the giants that lay here. The fey will encourage
the characters to seek the sword.
Reward, Revelation, Plot Twist: A sword that contains their
souls is here, if used and reduce a creature to 0 HP it will release a soul as
a giant shadow under the welders control for 1 hour before vanishing. It has 10
'charges' and turns to a non-magical sword after they are all used, damning the
giants souls to the abyss.
3) Shadow Monastery
Entrance or Guardian: A haunted monastery lies in near
ruins, the veil between worlds is thin here and shadowy apparitions of the
former students can be seen eternally practicing, trapped between life and
death. An entrance can be found deep in the bowels of the old monastery,
linking to a shadowfell version of the building.
Puzzle or Roleplaying Challenge: A monk on the other side
says that they are all trapped here by a bell that can be heard ringing in the
Trick or Setback: If the party goes toward the sound they
will have an encounter with aggressive monks.
Climax, Big Battle, or Conflict: The Bell is a construct
with sonic attacks.
Reward, Revelation, Plot Twist: Before the monk leaves the
shadowfell behind, he will open a portal back and give the party a ghost rune. Ghost
rune can be transferred to a non-magical suit of armor or weapon. If attached
to a weapon, weapon can instead do cold or necrotic damage. If a creature is
immune to cold damage, it is reduced to resistant for this attack; if it is
resistant it is reduced to normal damage. If the creature does not have a
resistance or immunity to cold damage and cold is chosen, critical hits to
three times the normal effect.
4) Tower on the
Entrance or Guardian: A haunted tower is guarded by the
ghost of a wizard, he warns that the darkness shall destroy you.
Puzzle or Roleplaying Challenge: There is a black pudding
here trapped in a large glass container with a door facing out. On the other
side of this large room is an area that has one inch holes in the floor that go
down twenty feet to a pressure plate that opens a secret blue portal. The
pressure plate must have the weight a large creature on it (the black pudding).
The black pudding can then squeeze its way through a passage under the floor
and back into the glass container through a hole in the bottom, resetting the
Trick or Setback: There is a portal on each wall of this
rectangular room, the one the characters step through changes to a different
color (green). The other portals are (right to left) black, yellow, and red. If
the players choose any but the black, they are teleported d4 hexes (24 miles
each) away.
Climax, Big Battle, or Conflict: The wizard from the
entrance is here and shadow touched. He is invisible and holds the key of a
great cage that surrounds the party. There are signs of someone have been here
recently and a tracking check will lead them to bump into the wizard. Defeating
the crazy wizard or otherwise finding the key will let the PCs out of the cage.
The wizard will explain how the players can get back using the closest shadow
portal (d4x6 miles away).
Reward, Revelation, Plot Twist: The wizard wears a robe of
illusion, it has seventeen charges that can be used to can cast an illusion spell
from zero to fourth level (DM chooses one spell per level). Each spell can be
cast for the spells level +1 charge; e.g. a cantrip is 1 charge, a first level
spell is 2 charges. It disintegrates after the last charge is used.
5) Prison of the
Entrance or Guardian: A shadowfell prison holds a bound
carrion, or ghoul demon. To enter the foul jail requires a pound of flesh
placed into a bedrock mortar in a large boulder in an out of the way place in
the forest.
Puzzle or Roleplaying Challenge: The Ravager has been imprisoned
here for countless years, he asks the party to free him and offers to make them
generals in his army as well as lead them out of the prison.
Trick or Setback: This room contains five cauldrons full of
burbling liquids. When the red, green, blue, yellow, and orange liquids are drank
by themselves they do nothing, when mixed together they do a random result.
+1 strength
+1 intelligence
Paralyzed for an hour.
+1 wisdom
Aged by twenty five percent of current age.
+1 charisma
Polymorphed into a sheep for an hour.
+1 constitution
+1 dexterity
Climax, Big Battle, or Conflict: An undead fey guards the
exit and will die before he lets the demon leave. He knows the Ravager’s true
Reward, Revelation, Plot Twist: There is a secret room that
has a magic mouth that speaks the demons true name, Catullus.
6) Astral Erratic
Entrance or Guardian: An Astral dragon, Ansmon, makes his
lair in this huge chunk of rock and stages attacks on astral raiders from here.
Puzzle or Roleplaying Challenge: A very young, seventy-five,
elven ranger, Laira resides here and serves as guardian to the dragon’s lair.
She was captured infiltrating the dragon’s lair and has since joined the cause.
Trick or Setback: A monk, Ranek, lives here, forced into a
contract when the dragon destroyed his monastery on a separate errant in the
astral plane. He has been here for only a few years, arriving after the Laira.
Climax, Big Battle, or Conflict: The dragon will attack any
who enter here without Laira.
Reward, Revelation, Plot Twist: The dragon keep a journal of
his conquests, including mind wiping Laira after destroying her trespassing
Next is tweaking of the tables to a specific area and using
specific monster instead of generic placeholders.
Jan 26, 2019
More hexcrawling
I’m working on a few new systems for my hexcrawling and
thought I’d bring you all on the ride! I mention my time pool and thought I’d
explain it here. Every time a player does an action that takes between three
and ten minutes I drop a die in the time bucket. Once a sixth die is dropped in
there or if they do something that would attract unwanted attention, I roll the
dice and check for an encounter. The number of successes correlates (ideally)
with the encounter difficulty. OK, time to get to work.
I’m trying something new for my random encounters, traces,
spoor, and encounters. I’m also counting successes by setting a base DC for an
encounter and then subtracting my roll to get a degree of severity. Each degree
checks off a box in order of traces, traces, tracks, spoor, lair, and creature,
each step revealing more of the possible encounter. I’ve decided to start this
because of how I roll encounters (with a time pool) for dungeons. Right now
I’ve set DCs for five categories. Let’s take a look.
So if the frontier encounter roll is 19, three boxes are
checked (17, 18, 19); so traces, traces, and spoor is found. The next encounter
check will add to the same set of boxes and will clear after the encounter roll
for overnight. Using six mile hexes rolling once for each hex and once for rest
will get me five rolls. Of course, thinking more on that, that’s only on easily
traveled land. This leads me to think there will never be an encounter on a
mountains hex as it takes one day to cross a mountain hex. Also wild encounters
may be more prevalent in unsettled territory than in densely populated areas,
but encounters in general may not be. So let’s change some things. I think I will roll encounters based on time
and use these descriptors and DCs instead.
Creature population
Encounter DC
That makes it so I can roll every four hours bringing the
daily total to six encounter rolls two of which being at night. So this seems
to work out for monsters, but in civilized areas there will be more encounters
with humanoids. We can count the lair as a camp, outpost, or hideout. I’m
thinking we can skip some of the smaller steps in the ladder if we want. Say
finding some traces and spore next encounter rolling past lair and heading
straight to creature. Switching lair and creature in the order is an option
too, resetting the boxes after a creature is rolled.
I’ve got a lot of stuff to keep track of now and the way I’m
keeping track of time on my encounter worksheet is not working out anymore.
Here’s a list of things I need to keep track of:
Encounter level
Encounter DC
Torches/Light (1hour/4hours)
Minutes (mark torch or lantern in top)
Hours (mark torch or lantern in top)
Easy! I’m not sure where to put torches at, I’ll leave them
in both hours and minutes for now and see where I use it the most. Hours seem
like the most for me because I use a time pool to track hours, but that’s only
indoors. Now I’ll just format, print,
and laminate it and have exactly what I need. I printed it out with graph paper
on the back and presto, a new tracker for my table, hopefully it lasts through
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